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Nunzia Chiacchiera 163 posts 0 comments
With some smartwatches you can even shot pictures while you are on bike! the smart watches though, have many useage even between professionals and employees. Especially, with the smartwatches you can scroll all the e-mails that arrive to you to answer then only to the most important ones. If you…
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Review Huawei Mate 20 Pro
Huawei Mate 20 Pro is one of the last smartphone top gamma of Huawei. The new product Huawei is considered by many the adversary of the iPhone XS. Actually the marketplace's price of the Huawei Mate 20 Pro is 1.099€. Huawei Mate 20 Pro is…
Review Huawei P20 Pro
Even Huawei, in order to bring itself into line with the trends of the moment, it decided to point on a design with reduced frames to leave as much space as possible to the display. Let's add a photographic segment with excellent…
Facebook is the less reliable social network
Facebook is the less reliable social network compared with all the main social networks about the safeguard of their datas and of their privacy. Only the 22% of the americans claimed to calmly give to Facebook their personal informations,…
When will we have the first iPhone 5G
In this article we will try to give an answer to the fateful question “When will be available the first iPhone with connection 5G?”. The connection of fifth generation, infact, will be on the smartphones already in the next year, with some…
The best PC programs to edit the pictures
In the nowadays' society becomes ever more important to take care about the multimedia contents (both if they are videos or pictures) that we put online on our own socials. Unlike what we can think, it's not needed to use paid programs to …
Google and iRobot make your house smart
Google and iRobot are cooperating to improve the domestic technology. The two big companies say that the cooperation’s purpose is the one to make the houses smart and so much more manageable. How is it possible to obtain a smart house? The…
France and China together to study the climate change
The concept of climate change isn't only a concept of environmental interest but it is linked in someway even to the social, economic and politic field. The example of it it is the launch of the first france-chinese satellite. The satellite…
How to choose the best smartphone Samsung
Would you like to buy the new smartphone Samsung? Are you wondering which can be the best miglior smartphone Samsung around? It is really probable that you are undecided on which model choose, that's because you see around many offerts and…
The best App utility for your smartphone
The smartphones are some “smart” instruments. Many developers created many applications that work really well and that often result really useful. The App utility sector is quite varied, for this reason you can do many things efficiently…
The artificial moon
The chinese scientists are planning to launch an artificial moon in orbit until the 2020 to light up the city's streets. The scientists hope to place artificial moon over the city of Chengdu, the south-western capital of the Sichuan. The…
Netflix recognises who you are
Netflix is been involved in a strong debate. Like all of us know it is a subscription service of streaming on demand. Netflix, is been “charged” of being able to conceivably assume the belonging's race of the ethnicity, consequentially…
How to make the computer faster
Like we said in the article of the last week on "How to extend the RAM of the computer", a needed and complementary operation is the one to replace the Hard Disk Drive (HDD) with a Solid State Drive (SSD). This, infact, is one of the most…
The best 5 Apps for your workout
Now the Apps represent the more fast and versatile way to integrate our needs, our passions and why not, even our physical health. The Apps find strong usage in every field, one of them is surely the sports one and so the physical workout.…
Samsung Galaxy S9+ VS iPhone XS
After few weeks the release of the new Apple devices, it is almost a must to compare the iPhone XS with the Galaxy S9 Plus of Samsung, which is famous to be the biggest competitor of Apple in the Android scenario. The iPhone XS is available…