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Nunzia Chiacchiera 163 posts 0 comments
As the years go by it can be needed to extend, or to improve, the computer or the laptop's memory, which are for example the modules RAM (Random Access Memory) or the data storage's memory. The RAM's increasing, for example, is useful to support the simultaneously opening of many programms, and it…
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Battle between E-Commerce’s colossus: eBay VS Amazon
eBay and Amazon are the most important and used e-commerce platforms, focused on the model of a free digital marketplace. Amazon is in direct competition with the sellers of eBay and really often it uses small sellers as pieces of a…
Firefox becomes part of the WebP of Google
Firefox becomes part of the browsers that accept the images format WebP of Google, another award for the effort of the Internet's giant to improve the web with a better image's format. The WebP is a special compressions' format for the…
Tesla: the first car of the future
If we have to talk about the car of the future, or specifically, about the electric cars, we can't don't talk about Tesla. The company Tesla is founded in California by Elon Musk, south african (with american nationality) inventor and…
The Robot that reduces the waste of potable water
The Institute of technology of the Massachusetts or even known as MIT, is one of the most important university in the world which is located in the Massachusetts, in the United States. From the MIT comes an excellent graduate student 28…
Luxury technology: Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Often it results in a real challenge being able to analyse all the mobile phones if you are trying to choose the absolutly best smartphone. Most of the times, there is a guru telephone that you are able to distinguish thanks to…
Two japanese robots conquered an asteroid
Knowing that two small robots are now happily jumping on an asteroid almost without gravity, makes the idea of the scientific-technologic progress. We obtained the first pictures taken from the space of the asteroid Ryugu. The images are…
Take pictures with the DJI Phantom 4 Pro
Take pictures and breathtaking shots at high altitude today isn't impossible: we just need a drone, creativity and passion for the photography. The civil use of the drones strongly increased for the photography and high altitude shots,…
The artificial intelligence in the medical field
The progress get ever more closer the medical field and the technological one. Using the artificial intelligence the medicine obtained many improvements, being able to become ever more specific and advanced. Some researchers developed an…
Robot CEO VS Human CEO
The advanced robotic's growth takes on ever more human characteristics: a new study observed that the 53% of the employees which are under a manager (CEO) will be happy to work for a robot. Almost 1 employee on 10 thinks that a society…
How do we feel the colours of the northern lights
Norwey, Sweden, Iceland, Russian, Greenland, Canada and Alaska, those are the areas that can donate a show that many travellers hope to see. Many travellers spend whole weeks in those areas with the hope to can live the top amazing show of…
Instagram decreases our self-worth
The socials are for us our daily life but often even a little bit more. They weigh ever more on our acts and on what we think. We count the ''likes'' or the comments of a post on Instagram like we could change the opinion that we have of…
NASA recognises a brown oval band on Jupiter
A singualar oval and brown band is been identify on the southern eequatorial area if Jupiter. The band was already known and existent but any instrument, until now, was able to capture it in a shot from a spacial probe. The particual…
The first ecological ship that crosses the ocean
In every sector, through the technological progress, we are trying to save energy and natural resources following the respect for the environment. The fossil fuels are been one of the main affliction for the environmentalists, because of…
100 people on a planet outside the solar system
Let's imagine to must leave our planet, let's imagine to must recruit a minimun crew to transfer our race outside the solar system. Those almost science-fiction scenarios remember us many movies or tv series. The purpose of the scientists…