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Nunzia Chiacchiera 163 posts 0 comments
Travel makes us free, makes us better, many say that after made a trip we can even come back changed. Organize a trip required time and accurancy, it is a real planning, especially if we do it without the help of agencies. Nowadays fortunatelly the technology and especially the useful apps to…
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The spacial technology that will change the future
"The technology improves the life", how many times do we hear this claim? Surely the technological progress brought many advantages to our lifes. We just have to think that without the technology we won't have the possibility to keep in…
The useful apps to learn the foreign languages
Learn a new language by ourselves is a real challange. It is different from learn some chapter of a history's book or to solve some match's excersices, to learn a foreign language is something really singular, it has an approach and a…
Sustainable Development Goals 2030
The 25th of September of the 2015, the United Nations approved the Global Agenda for the sustainable development and its relative 17 Purposes of sustainable developments, better known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reach until…
Why Telegram is better than WhatsApp
Telegram and WhatsApp are two applications of instant messaging. Both of them are chats fully free, where to write and share audio file, video file and so on. If they have the same purpose, why many people prefere one to the other? What…
The empathic technology recognize the feelings
The technology and the feelings seem to be two concepts far away from each other but ever more linked by the scientific progress. The feelings make for us a crucial role: they are considered like the only element that differentiates the…