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Veronica Perotto 1306 posts 0 comments
The NASA decided to celebrate the Hubble's birthday in a special way. In 30 years the space telescope gives breathtaking space pictures, but would you like to know which one was shoted the day of your birthday?
Leggi di più...
What’s the 8D music
There are many technologies around every aspect of our lifes, from the reading, to the medicine, to the music. And never like in this hard period we rediscovered how much it is essential for us and how much sometimes it can be amazing.…
Three new smartphones Nokia are arriving
The HMD Global, the company that bought and relaunched the brand Nokia, already announced the arrival of three new smartphone Nokias some months ago. By the way, the official presentation was supposed to happen the 24 of february, in…
The planet Earth has a new Moon
We have few certainties when we look at the sky. Maybe the only ones that we have are that we are a small rocky planet, which orbits around a red dwarf, with a lovely natural satellite that we call Moon. Or maybe is there something wrong in…
The robots help us to fight the Covid-19
In this period of emergency the robots can help us much more. They can enter inside the hospitals and fight the virus for us. They can go around the streets, without self-certification, and sanitize them. The robots help us to fight the…
The useful apps that help us to face the pandemic
#IStayAtHome in the twenty-one century isn't so hard. Don't worry we won't stay without grocery and we won't die of boredom. The technology helps us to do everything and to do nothing. All we need is a smartphone and we can survive to the…
Beyond the Solar System
Fifty thousand million of kilometers from the Sun, it's here that one assumes there is the edge of the Solar System. The heliopause, over the one we don't find any more the solar wind, besides which there aren't any more the energetic…
Everyone at the museum, from home
The culture doesn't stop, not even with the Coronavirus, not even by staying at home. Since when this difficult period started everyone did something, in their difficult fields. The instruction found out the video-lessons, many discovered…
Discovering Venus
All of us know Venus, we know that it's the second planet of the Solar System starting from the Sun, that its surface is hot, that it takes the name from the Goddess of love. But in the years of the space exploration we discovered in…
What is the relationship between Coronavirus and pollution?
What is the relationship between the most important outbreaks of Covid-19 in the world? Let's have a look. The chinese province of Wuhan, one of the most industrialized of the planet. The padana valley, italian industrial pole, and one of…
Not only Mars, the planets of the Solar System
Mars is surely the most studied, observed, explored and loved planet of the Solar System. Sure is the closest one, which sometimes is even visible with the naked eye, like a thiny red dot which burns in the dark of the night. It's revered,…
Even Amazon decides for the stop of the not necessary goods
In the days of the Coronavirus we are all stuck at home in quarantine, we can go out for the groceries, but only the supermarkets and few shops for the necessary goods are open. Like the products for the personal care and the cleaning of…
Internet is strained because of the Coronavirus
We must stay home, it's an easy law to respect in the days of internet, or maybe not? The rules to fight the advance of the Covid-19 are ever more stricter. The not indispensable companies are forced to close. The main streets all of the…
The Xbox news presented to the X019
We are now used to those annual events in the technological world and especially in the videogames world. Once per year the games' producers organize ever more involving and lavish events to announce to their fans all the next news.…
The project Nightingale by Google
It's now a while that we hear about the project Nightingale, made by Google, and the involvement of Ascension, the second biggest american network of hospitals. A noble idea, the one to collect the medical informations of all the americans,…