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Veronica Perotto 1305 posts 0 comments
Continuum isn't a recent TV serie. It is a canadian tv series produced from the 2012 to the 2015 and it arrived in Italy in the 2013 on the channel AXN Sci-Fi, and the next year on the RAI. Actually all the four seasons are available on Netflix. Even if we can't say that Continuum is completely a…
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Groups of WhatsApp: goodbye to the feral invitations
The Groups of WhatsApp are becoming for many a nightmare. An uninterrupted flow of messages, the telephone that continuously rings , in the less appropriate and most awkward moments. The group of the gym, of the school's moms, of the job,…
Goodbye Google Plus (we won’t really miss you so much)
The new arrived already few months ago: Google Plus, the social network launched in the 2011 by Big G, with the purpose to compete with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, closed down.Even if many tried to live the experience offered by…
What’s the permafrost and why is it dangerous if it melts?
The permafrost, literally permanent ice, is a special condition of the soil in the most extreme areas of the north of the world. A layer of permanent ice that covers around the 20% of the dry lands and that, in the north of Siberia it…
The rover Opportunity finished its mission
Thanks Opportunity for your service. The longest lived rover in the history of the martian exploration finished its mission and it's been declared “dead”.It was planned to live just 3 months, but it resisted to the alien world for 15 years,…
Plastic’s surrogates: ideas to give up with the planet’s killer
It was the 1909, when Leo Baekeland did the patent n. 942.699, for a new synthetic material obtained by the combination of phenol and formaldehyde: the bakelite, ancestor of the plastic. Nowadays, 110 years later, we have to deal with the…
Apex Legends: the videogame that challenges Fortnite
In the last period all the world was impressed by the incredible success that had Fortnite, the free videogame that earned more than all in the videogame's history and that counts 200 millions of gamers. No one wondered that someone…
Technological progress and poverty
Is the technological progress improving or decrasing the poverty in the world?Is the gap that divides poor and rich closely linked with the technological progress and did this contributed to enhancing it?The theories are many and…
JP Morgan launches its cryptocurrency
JPM Coin its the new challenge in which JP Morgan launches itself, its personal cryptocurrency. After the initial criticism by the highest members of the bank, this new awareness brings them to review their ideas and to enter in the world…
Alita – Battle Angel: review
Alita – Battle Angel is currently in the cinema all over the world. The movie directed by Robert Rodriguez, is taken from the manga to which Yukito Kishiro worked since the 1990 to the 1995. James Cameron, instead, that dedicated so much to…
Presentation Samsung Galaxy S10
Tomorrow 20th of February, in San Francisco, will take place the Samsung Unpacked 2019, the event decided by the company to present the news Samsung Galaxy S10. A milestone for the company that with the S10 celebrates the tenth anniversary…
Cryopreservation: there are more than 300 people hybernated
Many placed and hope to place the hope in the technical of cryoperservation of the body. There is who stipulated a contract to get hybernated after death, or who is still alive and decided to rely on the cold cure with the hope to wake up…
10 technological trends of the 2019
It's hard to say which will be the best ten technological trends of the year, in a scenario where the technology changes even every week. Every year is characterised by a multitude of gadgets and technological innovations more than the…
Did you know that the Magnetic North Pole is moving?
Do we know what the North Pole is? The most extreme point of our planet and of every planetary body, which is taken as reference's point. But the word North Pole can assume many meanings according to the field where is been used. The…
The longest experiment in the history started: it will be 500 years long
More than one time have been suggested experimentations that went far beyond the human life time. Generations and generations of scientists that cooperate and that will cooperate in the years for an unique experiment: giving life to…