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Veronica Perotto 1305 posts 0 comments
The submarine Triton 36000/2 is the strongest and most powerfull depths' ship in the world. It was baptised Limiting Factor, to get beyond the limits. It was built for the billionaire explorer Victor Vescovo that, after collected all the targets of the Explorers Grand Slam wants to “touch” further…
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Noted radio signals coming from the deep space
Recently, the new radiotelescope CHIME, in Canada, intercepted 13 mysterious radio signals coming from the deep space, far away from the Milky Way. Totally the radio signals, of unknown origin, registered in the years were 60, of which two…
The first Ferrari hybrid
The cars hybrid or fully electric are the future. They are invading car shops and streets, drawing ever more the attention and the support, especially for their ecological nature. Definitely usually those are small cars, exception for the…
The 10 most awaited videogames of the 2019
It starts a new year, an year of technologies, innovations and videogames. The most famous consolles start to reveal the games that will be released for the new year. The 2018 brought big titles, much awaited and strongly wanted by the…
Chang’e-4 lands on the dark side of the Moon
The dark side of the Moon always generated doubts and perplexity. A face that never turns toward the Earth and that hides who knows what mistery. Especially since no probes never landed on that side of our natural satellite.
Chang’e-4 is…
Zuckerberg presents Wand, a device that reads the brain
It is Wand the small Wi-Fi device ables to read the brain, realized by a group of researchers of the university of Berkley and of the start-up Cortera. The researchers, financied by the private foundation of Mark Zuckerberg and the wife,…
The social challenge: funny, charity, viral
In the years the social challenges were many, asking to the users to dance, to assume absurde positions or to throw a bucket of frozen water on the head. The purposes of those challenges were mainly noble. The social challenge are the…
Cold atom science, one step from the absolute zero
The absolute zero is around the 0 degrees kelvin, precisely at -273,15 °C. Under this temperature, theoretically, is impossible to go. However the research of the cold, in the science world, get always a little more forward. In the 2013, a…
The best movies about artificial intelligence in cinema
The first drafts of artificial intelligence invade our houses, inside our smartphones, tables, computers, televisions, etc, but it isn't how we wondered. We learnt to know the AI through the cinema and it is for this that it intrigues and…
Here you have the first Musk’s tunnel in the heart of Los Angeles
It is since the December of the 2016 that the visionary Elon Musk claimed to have the solution to solve the problem of the urban traffic. Right the same month he founded the Boring Company, which soon started to work to move the traffic in…
The Europe starts to draw an ethical code about the Artificial Intelligence
The European Union recentely pubblished the first ethical code about the artificial intelligence. The 18th of December the code appeared online. It is designed to give guide lines about the trasparence and about the responsabilities of the…
Saturn is destined to lose its rings
Saturn is a planet which lets us always dream. Just 10 meters of thicknes, for an extension of 120.000 kilometers, the rings of the sixth planet of the solar system are composed by billions of small and tiny objects (from the micrometer to…
Searching Light Pillar: an incredible natural phenomenon
All are exicited for the amazing phenomenon of the Northern Lights, light waves that light up the frozen artic skies. But this isn't the only light natural phenomenon to leave us breathless. The Light Pillar are columns of light that from…
The Virgin Galactic finally reached the space
The Virgin is still preparing itself for the advent of the spacial tourism, by promising to be able to bring the first turists already in the 2020. Meanwhile, after a serie of tests, the last 13th of December the SpaceShip Two finally…
Diesel CARE: the new renewable fuel
The emissions produced by the fossil fuel are between the mainly causes of the pollution, especially the ones of the diesel fuel, that is been now banned by many countries, and many others are ready to follow them. Everyone try to do…