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Veronica Perotto 1305 posts 0 comments
The world is nowadays full of drones, small flying robots controlled through smartphones or controllers. Many of them are nothing more then a toy, others are professional, others take bird's eye views, others else are for military or governative uses, but between all of them which are the ones that…
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Not only computers, the whole IoT is under the risk of hacking
Even though the devices become ever more impenetrable the hackers, from the other side, become ever more brilliant and competent, and in an ever more connected world to risk to be hacked aren't any more only the computers.
Future issues of the time travels
The science seems to be arrived to the conclusion that travel through the time isn't any more science-fiction but reality. Fold the continuum space-time and travel back and forward is possible for the math, but the technology put a stop and…
Nessox: the new battery that fuels up in few minutes
Was born Nessox, the new liquid battery that charges itself in few minutes. The recharge is really easy and prompt, when the battery is low we can just recharge it by adding some liquid inside it, in a moment.
How will be the skyscrapers in the future?
The e-Volo is an annual competition where the architects can present their ideas of futuristic eco-friendly skyscraper, and so here you have how the skyscrapers will be in the future.
What does Mark Zuckerberg want to do to connect the whole world
What many think was the bane for others is the progress, the changing, the way to make the world not any more a strange and unknown place but our home. Look beyond the geographical boundaries and find out that what happens in the other side…
How does the smartphone know what we want?
Are all of us extremely paranoid or are our smartphone listening to us? It never happened to you to speak about something and then you'll find it in the Facebook's homepage, between the advertising, or while you peacefully surf in the web?…
What is SingularityU Italy Summit
The Summit is organized to help to understand the new technologies and to use them to improve our own country, in this case Italy. The SingularityU Italy Summit, infact, is just a little portion of the SingularityU International Summit,…
Parker Solar Probe: the probe that will study the sun
The Parker Solar Probe, a NASA's probe, is been launched the 12th of August of the 2018, at the 3:31 am, from Cape Canaveral, in Florida. The probe is heading now towards the sun, pointing to beat more than one record during its trip, that…
10 applications to save the planet
Often contribute to save the planet isnt's so easy and one wants to say that it is useless really do something. But in reality if everyone give just a really small contribute maybe something will start to change. To give our contribute we…
BFR: the future of the SpaceX
SpaceX, the spacial agency of Elon Musk, already reached many successes, but it doesn't stop itself here. Elon Musk already revealed his next project at the edge of the science-fiction: the BFR, the first real spaceship of the human race,…
The Moon might hosted the life in the past
The Moon, our natural satellite, the closest planetary body, always dreamt and admired, to see it today it seems nothing more than a big death rock, but in the past it might hosted the life.
The Iron Man’s suit exists for real
After all become a superhero it's up to how much you are ready to spend. The Iron Man's suite exists for real and everyone can buy it for the “modest” price of 380.000 euros.
It is one month that the Sun is without sunspots
From the end of the month of June and for 30 days consecutive the sun is without sunspots, being spotless and fully whiteness, getting closer to the record of 32 consecutive days of the summer 2009, when the star of our solar system signed…
To drive a drone we just need our own body
Goodbye to joysticks and remote controllers, soon to drive a drone we will just need our own body. The drone wil follow the movements of the torso and for the pilot it will as to fly for real.