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Veronica Perotto 1305 posts 0 comments
Like every year Forbes gives us the list of the richest men in the world, letting us know who are the global McDucks and how they made them fortune. Letting us dreaming, without even imagine how could be the lifes of those people which are now on the top. The world is changing and in an environment…
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The Moon Eclipse of the 27th of July will be the longest one of the century
This summer is continuing to keep us with the face side up, making us lost the looking in the sky. After spent the last month trying to find out the planets hidden between the constellations of the blue sky, July will give us the further…
10 years of success for the App Store
The 10th of July of the 2008, an year after the launch of the first Iphone, Apple released for the first time the App Store, the virtual shop where download applications, games and contents for the device iOS, opening the doors to external…
Wikipedia obscured? Here we explain you why
Wikipedia it's back online from the 5th of July 2018 at around the 12:20, after two days of darkness. Who tried to enter in every page of Wikipedia Italia between the 3th and the 5th of July, infact, was faced with a Wikipedia's message,…
The NASA’s defensive systems against the dangerous asteroids
The 30th of June was the Asteroid Day, while ten days before, the last 20th of June, took place the press conference by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office of the NASA, where it said to have three defensive technics in case of…
Underwater technologies: the hi-tech to explore the undersea world
The technology overturned all the sectors, every job, activity or hobby. Here you have some nice technologies to explore the underwater world.
The best visors for the virtual reality
The virtual reality is quickly catching on and it promises to be the future of the technology. All we have to do is to put on a visor and enter in a new world like the one imagined by Ready Player One or the one really created by Staramba.…
The fifth season of The 100 is coming
The 100 is an american TV series released in the 2014 and created by Jason Rothenberg. A fascinated post apocalyptic and dystopian series that arrived to the fifth season, actually in production in America until August of this year and that…
World Cup 2018 and technology
This football's world cup 2018 in Russia, are a window for the last technological innovations. Let's see of what technologies are we talking about.
The AI predicts the date of our death
Would it change something if we know the date of our death? Would we act differently, better maybe, or would we become crazy at the idea to know when everything will end? Obviusly this is impossible, none can know in any way how and when he…
Between June and July we can see the solar system to the naked eye
This beginning of summer 2018 is rich of astronomical events. In the period between the end of the month of June and the beginning of the month of July, infact, are visible to the naked eye five planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus,…
The best science-fiction tv series – part two
Let's keep our trip between the best science-fiction tv series.
Cashback World: how does it work?
Lyoness Cashback World is a company founded in the 2003 by Hubert Freidl, which gives to the members a return of money for their purchases. At the beginning the initiative counted only four contries, but today it is present in 47 contries,…
The human will come back on the Moon
The NASA wants to come back on the Moon. It is now official, after 50 years the human will come back one more time on his natural satellite. The first missions will start the next year, in the 2019, but the crew will be composed by only…
The Stephen Hawking’s voice in the space
The Stephen Hawking's voice, the scientist recently departed, is been radiated in the space the last 15th of June of 2018 with a message of peace and hope for the planet Earth.