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Veronica Perotto 1305 posts 0 comments
With the 3D printer we can realize almost everything. Here you have 10 between the most astonishing creations.
Leggi di più...
Found organic matter on Mars
Curiosity, the most famous martial rover, that studies the red planet for six years, found complex organic matter on Mars.
What is Staramba?
“Staramba is a virtual world with all the best parts of the real world”. The countdown started, in less than one week, the 20th of June, the Staramba's ecosystem, the first world in virtual reality, opens its doors to the audience.
Luca Parmitano will be the ISS’ commander
Luca Parmitano is an italian astronaut, which already was the first italian to walk in the space and that soon will conquer another record, as the first italian commander of the ISS.
Fortnite, the videogame of the moment
Fortnite is a survival's videogame realized by the Epic Games and freely published this year for Playstation 4, XBox One, Microsoft Windows, iOS and macOS. Fortnite is the videogame of the moment, the game that now all the videogamer or at…
The Orville, tribute to Star Trek or parody?
The Orville is a TV series transmitted from the 2017 on Fox, created by Seth MacFarlane, the “Griffin” creator, that for the first time realized a not animated series. MacFarlane jumps in the science-fiction, creating the one that should be…
The best science-fiction tv series
Starting from the big classics, up to the most recent masterpieces, here you have a journey between the best science-fiction TV series.
Uber Revolution: between flying taxies and autonomous driving
The mobility's future sees Uber as undisputed protagonist. The taxi's company already entered into the challenge, with not few difficulties, of the autonomous driving cars, starting to put the first vehicles between its services. Now, the…
From the paper to the digital: all the advantages
The times are quickly changing, the technology is making giant steps, developing in all the sectors, and so, inevitably, the habits are changing, adpating themselves and evolving along with the progress. Between the sectors interested by…
Yuegong-1: in Beijing like on the Moon
The chinese experiment that recreates the environment of a permanent lunar base.
The oxygen at the origin of the universe
One of the most amazing thing about the universe is the concept that more far away we are able to see more back on the time we return. It is like this that the telescope Alma saw the most ancient oxygen of the universe, in the galaxy…
Two italians between the 100 most influential people in the world
Every year the Time magazine makes the list about the 100 most influential people in the world, between them there are names of activists, athletes actors, politicans, economists, scientists, etc. Between them, this year, there are even two…
The technologies that promise to save us from the global warming
Even though the treaties about the reduction of greenhouse gases, many still ignore the imminent dangers and, if to talk some sense into almost 8 billions of peoples is an impracticable job, the only real solution seems to be in the…
Mars and the extraterrestrial cultivations
“I will bring you on Mars: are missing only 12 years to send there the first person. If we are great, maybe ten. And there I will create a town, because we need to guarantee the survival of our specie, in case something will go wrong on the…
InSight will reveal the deepest Mars’ secrets
After ages of observations, myths and legends about the red planet, decades of spacial missions landed on the barren martian lands, finally InSight will deeply dig the Mars' secrets, revealing us what is hidden under the red surface.…