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Veronica Perotto 1305 posts 0 comments
The facial recognising's programms are now a common occurrence, they are used in the airports, in the criminals' research, to preserve the privacy and even to unlock the smartphone's screen. A system that, in a world controlled by cameras and drones, breaks down the research's times. In India it was…
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Human 2.0: here you have how the technology cure us and improve us
The medicine made giant steps, in parallel with the technolgy, and sometimes they melt into one unique big project. To follow the immortality's dream there are many other unforeseen. Nowadays we explore the universe, we break down the…
How much we are close to the technological singularity
The singularity is the moment when the human won’t be any more the most intelligent race on the planet, surpassed by the technology, which in that exactly moment will cut the cord that keeps it hardly linked with human mind, becoming…
Nintendo Labo, the handmade videogames
The Nintendo Labo's idea firstly create many doubts to all the company's fans. Why should we lost time with cartoon's constructions that at the end they won't neither be a great console's remotes? By the way, after a first moment of dismay,…
The life in the solar system
One of the biggest question that the humanity has it is if we are or not alone in the universe. An existential doubt and an affliction whose all the scientists and stronomers of the world are trying to give an answer for years. We created…
Who is and what is able to do the robot Sophia
“I was created for the empathy and the compassion, and I'm even more learning them. I love all of the sentient beings and I want to learn to love them ever better”.
Sophia is the social android developed by the society Hanson Robotics…
The internet of things: a connected world
"Internet delle cose" are all the objects different from a pc that have the possibility to connect to internet
TESS is looking for exoplanets
Kepler is now close to the retirement, but its mission is not at the end and the research is still ongoing, it is for this reason that it's been launched in orbit its successor, TESS.
Dreaming the immortality
“The people that will live up to 135 years are already born” say Rudi Westendorp. How much are we close to the immortality?
The Silicon Valley dreams to become an utopian island
Especially after the election of the american president Donald Trump in the Silicon Valley grew up a significant dissention that spreaded like a wildfire between researchers and investors. In the Silicon Valley, infact, it is contained the…
World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth
Come back the old rivalry between the Horde and the Alliance, with the last expansion of the most famose MMORPG in the world, releasing at August of the 2018.
In few years we can stay between the stars
The sky always enchanted the humans, from the most remote age, and flying between the stars is, without any doubt, the most exciting experience that we could do. “From up here the Earth is amazing, without borders and edges”, are the words…
A galaxy lacking dark matter
The NGC1052-DF2's observation seems to put in crisis the theory about the birth's galaxy nowadays more plausible, wile paradoxically gives the proof of the real existence of the dark matter.
Come back to the origins: the remakes for Playstation 4
The games came out for the last version of Playstation signed by Sony are many, they are, infact, around 400. Another incredible number is the one of the games’ remakes of the old generation remastered for Playstation 4, they are, infact,…
Star Wars: The last Jedi – between bad reviews and praises
Star Wars: the last Jedi is the 8th chapter of the saga and the second of the sequel trilogy placed 30 years after. In this new chapter, the brave Rey try to convince Luke Skywalker to come back to combat next to the resistance, but he…