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The best women in the science

If she was the first gratuated woman or the last, the first scientists or chemist, what matters is how they supported to arrive until today and how they are still supporting. In a world that was strictly male for long, long, time, the 11…

The COP24 of Katowice

The question about the climate change is mondially important. Infact, this topic is treaty by an apposite conference called COP, which means conference of the parts of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The …

A new break for the CERN

It is predicted a two years break for the CERN particle accelerator of Geneva, the biggest one in the world: the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Like programmed, is been stopped the data collection. The long break takes the name of Long…

Are the human beings still evolving?

There is who still believe that the evolution doesn't exist and that it never existed. That the human beings, as well as the other species, were born exactely like they are now, but obviusly the science says the contrary. The human being…

The artificial moon

The chinese scientists are planning to launch an artificial moon in orbit until the 2020 to light up the city's streets. The scientists hope to place artificial moon over the city of Chengdu, the south-western capital of the Sichuan. The…