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The web is full of storytells about strange UFO sightings, of lights that bounce in the sky, by moving in a strange way, not natural. How many pictures, how many videos. Probably most of them are fake. However, meanwhile the CIA was collecting these datas. Between all the conspirators in the world,…
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Computer virus in the days of the Covid-19
In moments of emergency it's much easier to be attacked by computer virus, be careful to suspicious mails that ask to download attached or that share links.
Vishing, the latest cyber-threat targets our phones
Vishing or voice phishing; cyber-threats nowadays affect smartphones and a simple phone call may be actually an elaborate state of the arts scam. But how does vishing work? Find out in our article.
What is the God Particle?
Everyone heard to talk about it: a particle which contains all the life essence, the material consistency, thanks to it the matter exists and it has a mass. It is the closest thing between science and God, it is the particle that makes…
The spy apps removed by Google available on the Play Store
Google recently removed some dangerous apps from the Play Store, the spy apps remvoed are 7 and they allowed to check the movements and the chats of the people.
A million of people wants to invade the Area 51
It started as a simple event on Facebook, probably a game, a joke, however many took it seriously and it became a real media sensation: the invasion of the Area 51. Many think that behind the american military base in the heart of the…
The drone race under hacker attack
The italian drone race was affected by a hacker attack (but not only) during the opening night. It is an increasing phenomenon the one of the matches between the drones' pilots.
Cybercrime: what it is and how to prevent it
Cybercrime, it's something about which we talk ever more, the crimes that use the web are especially about important datas and files. Often to have them back we must pay huge amounts of money. How to do to avoid this increasing phenomenon?
Virgilio and Libero, massive email theft alert
Over 1,4k email addresses have been involved in the informatic attack at Virgilio and Libero's expense. The culprit is a young 24-years old Hacker.
CIA Wants You, recruiting – through Instagram!
The CIA - USA's oldest secret agency - is recruiting online. With an Instagram profile where the wannabe 007 may showcase all their skills and talents.
The last moves of Anonymous
When we talk about Anonymous we don't talk about a single persone or a single group. Anonymous is indentified in every user or in every community that anonymously act to follow a purpose. Both if they act in a coordinate way or individually…
Not only computers, the whole IoT is under the risk of hacking
Even though the devices become ever more impenetrable the hackers, from the other side, become ever more brilliant and competent, and in an ever more connected world to risk to be hacked aren't any more only the computers.
Cyber criminals: the operators will have to guarantee the safety on the smartphones
The smartphone is without any doubt the symbol of the communication in this age, the instrument that allows us to keep in touch with people from the other side of the planet.
By the way all of this communication and freedom as the years…
Stephen Hawking: story of a genius
Without any doubt one of the most interesting personality of our time Stephen Hawking will go down in history like one of the genius that characterised, with his researches, our era.
We are talking, infact, about an emblematic scientist,…