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There is still so much to discover out there. Only the Milky Way counts about 200 billion of stars, but we don't even know the 2% of them. A new very interesting look at our Galaxy, arrives from the datas collected by the satellite Gaia, about 1,8 billion of stars (100 millions more compared with…
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There is water on the Moon!
The water is everything for the life forms as we know them. It is everything for the human beings. It is essential to survive on the Earth. It is essential to create lunar or martian stable station. The water is life! Here you have the…
Space Hero: a space reality
Anno domini 2023: let's prepare the luggage, one of you might be chosen by the reality Space Hero to go in the space!
Signs of life from Venus
We are desperately looking for the life outside the planet Earth. That small sign that loudly shout toward us: you are not alone! Maybe we found it on Mars, that small light beam, a pinch of organic matter. And here you have another sign,…
Near Earth Objects, our neighbors asteroids
Near Earth Objects are monitored 24/8 by the world's space telescopes. These asteroids are orbiting within close proximity of our planet and may brush past it - but what would the consequences be?
The best place to look at the stars
Look at the stars and hope in tomorrow, dream a better world, assign to the sky sphere our hopes, our wishes, our tears. Look at the stars is always charming, whatever the reason that pushes us to do it is. But sure what we do can't be…
Antonio Piazzolla, a journalist with the head in the stars
The scientific education is never enough. Especially when to do it are young and talented guys, with a big passion and the head in the stars. Let's enter in the world of Antonio Piazzolla, journalist and scientific leaker, that with his…
Wasp-76b, the forsaken planet where it’s raining… iron
Wasp-76b is the name of a planet with rather peculiar atmospheric conditions. At night, iron rain pours down on its furnace-hot gaseous surface.
The NASA is looking for volunteers for Mars!
Everyone would like a piece of the new world. But will it be heavenly like we imagine it? In reality the life on Mars will be confined, at least for the first years, in small claustrophobic living modules. And what worries the most, in…
Odd Radio Circles, there is something new and weird in the universe
Sure, we know that the universe is massive, endless, maybe. We know that what we know about it is only a very small part of it. A such infinitesimal part to can claim that we don't know this universe. However the studiers thought to know…
All to Mars, there are three missions leaving
Thanks to a very positive launch window, in the days between July and August 2020 there will be three missions leaving for Mars. They are USA, China and Arab Emirates, and all of them are looking for the life!
Orel, the russian capsule that will replace the Soyuz
It is since the 1966 that the Soyuz sail the skies by carrying the astronauts from all over the world. A rip old age for a space capsule. Sure, during the years it had continous upgrades, but maybe it's time to retire. It is for this reason…
Observed for the first time the birth of a planet
It's thousands the exoplanets discovered until now, but of no one of them it's been observed the birth, until now. But we could be a turnpoint. A group of researchers of the Obervatory of Paris and of the University Psl of Paris found out…
Space X conquers the space
Space X is the private space agency of Elon Musk. Advanced, futuristic and with ambitious dreams, it demonstrated to be the best that there is, nowadays, about space travels and space engineering. It conquered many victories and primacies…
Geo-politcs of the space
These are the years of the space exploration, very soon we will travel so much and for a such long time that will arrive many politics and legal problems to which we must start to think about. The geopolitcs of the space starts to make…