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An agreement between Gomi and the platform of bike sharing gives a way to reduce the frequent replacement of the vehicles: recycling the components in other gadgets. Here you have the sustainable speaker realized with recycled batteries.
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Spectacles: the augmented reality glasses by Snapchat
Snapchat makes a step forward in the realization of the smart glasses for the virtual reality. After the first models, which were thought mainly to shot pictures and to record short videos, now here you have the Spectacles for content…
Develhope, school of videogames
Develhope, the school of videogames for the South. It's free until you find a job. The courses last six months and it's full time.
Redmi Note 10, the Xiaomi of medium range
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 is the smartphone of medium range with a great quality/price rate: here you have the specifics.
WhatsApp Desktop, videocalls even from pc
The function it was waited for a while, but it didn't arrive exactly as all thought: here you have how to do videocalls with WhatsApp Desktop from PC.
AirTag by Apple: what’s and how does it work
Are you tired to lose the car's keys, the pocket, the bag? With AirTag we can use the function Where is of t he iPhone to find the objects. Here you have what it is and how it works.
Airo, the electric car that reduce the pollution of the other cars
Airo will be a different electric car. It won't only run with a green energy, but it will even reduce the pollution around it, by aspiring the smog produced by the other cars. Let's discover it together.
Tool anti prejudice for Siri and Alexa
To create it it was a team of sound designers: the genderless voice is called Q and it was born as an anti prejudice of gender tool, as many Ai of the technological sector do.
Apple presents the new iMac and iPad
Less then two months ago Apple presented the new iMac and iPad, both of them with the new chip M1, and both of them are already in the shelves of the stores, ready to enter inside our homes. Let's discover them together.
Smartphone cameras may help visually impaired users
Smartphone cameras are increasingly advanced and may represent a formidable help for users with disabilities or visual handicap. Find out how Google's new tech releases can assist the visually impaired.
Smart light for your home
Thanks to the smart light it's possible to switch on and off the home lights and to regulate the intensity with a simple tap on the dedicated applications.
Digital Fraud: how to protect ourselves
Let's see how to protect ourselves from the digital frauds. Understand what they are and how to recognise them to protect ourselves.
Neuralink and the monkey that plays with mind
We saw many experiments where the monkeys play with videogames. But have you ever seen a monkey playing with the mind? It's possible thanks to Neuralink, a chip implanted in the brain created by Elon Musk. Let's discover together what it…
Robot painters develop an amazing teamwork
Robot painters are an astonishing (and very popular) form of "divertissement". Art is by no mean a human exclusive and robots even learned to develop a successful form of teamwork.
Volkswagen and the renewable energies
Volkswagen the car company looks to the future and it creates cars that use renewable energies fully green. Let's discover together how.